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APTA Conference 2006

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) held its annual conference in New York in 2006. Participants of this conference received metrocard. This is extremely rare metrocard.



MTV advertised its Video Music Awards 2006 held in New York on Thursday August 31, 2006.


This metrocard promotes usage of public transportation while going to the game at Shea stadium for Mets plays. MTA has issued leaflet.


In 2004 airtrain connection between NYC subway and JFK airport has been opened and to celebrate this occasion MTA issued 4 metrocard set.

Brochure (guide) to airtrain has been published at the time.

This metrocard “Celebrate AirTrain JFK” was given away wrapped in plastic with encoded $5 fare to travel between subway and JFK airport via airtrain to participants of opening ceremony at Sutphin Blvd station in Jamaica. It has very lower circulation and even less survived to this days, probably less than 1,000.


This card was sold at MVM (metrocard vending machines) all over the city.


This card was sold all over the city and has very large circulation. At the same time there are little known 2 different versions of this card. The difference is place where Service Mark ℠ can be found. Also those Service Marks are of different fonts.


This metrocard can be bought only at MVM on either Sutphin Blvd station or Howard Beach station. This card was in circulation for few years. And over the years since first of this appeared there are some variations exist.

