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Kozmo.com is an Internet company with business model to deliver packages around the city in New York and London. It ceased its operation in 2 years.



Urbanfetch.com is an Internet company with business model to deliver packages around the city in New York and London. It ceased its operation in a year.


AT&T service has gone local set contains of 12 metrocards. There are essentially just 2 types of design: black and white with stylized intersection of two streets (AT&T local service and Now in N. Y.) and colourful with night scene of Times Square. There are two types of messages on those cards: ‘Order now and get 11 subway rides’ and ‘Order now and get a 20 min. AT&T prepaid card’.

Initially cards came with a little disclaimer in the bottom of the metrocard: ‘Offer expires March 31, 2000′.

Second batch of this set came with exactly the same design and messages but with Spanish version as well and offer was now expires on both versions on May 31, 2000.

The Early Show

Another TV network foray into advertisement on metrocard. This time it is CBS Channel 02 with The Early Show with Briant Gumbel and Jane Clayson.
